First Grade had a great Halloween! Thank you to everyone who made this possible! #LonghornPride

2nd grade learned about bones and made "Halloween Hands". #longhornpride

Parents of Kimball Public Schools Students: The School Improvement Committee is looking for your input on our schools. Please take time to click on this link and take our survey. We appreciate your opinions and welcome your feedback. #longhornpride

Happy Halloween from the Kindergarten artists! 🎃 #LonghornPride

Mr. Head's 2nd Grade Class

Attention Jr/Sr High Parent: We are looking to schedule picture retakes/make up pictures. In order to be the most efficient in this process we are asking that you contact Stephanie Kitchens at skitchens@kpslonghorns.org if you WANT your child to have their picture retaken. Thanks

Thank you HELPS for the fun! #LonghornPride

A big shout out to Morgan Baker for organizing the manor costume walk! #LonghornPride

Foods I Kool-aid Popcorn!

Costume Parade - Kimbal County Manor and Vista Villa. Thank you for having us!!

Mrs. Fryda’s pumpkins on Halloween. #LonghornPride

Check out 3rd Grade's Spider Webs!!

Congratulations to Amy Birkhofer for being selected to sing the National Anthem prior to the start of the 2020 NSAA class C1 state championship football game on Tuesday, November 24th at 2:42 CST. She was selected from a group of over 150 candidates that auditioned and will sing at Memorial Stadium in Lincoln and live on NET statewide television. #longhornpride

Today, October 29, 2020, Kimball Public Schools received notice of an employee and a student positive with COVID-19.
Kimball Public Schools is fully cooperating with public health contact tracers to identify other individuals who were in close proximity to these individuals(within 6 feet for a period of at least 15 minutes). Public health officials will directly notify any staff or students that may need to self-quarantine.
As Kimball Public Schools is currently in the "Orange" phase, we continue to strongly encourage you to please wear a mask to school, on the bus, and at sporting events. Masking is key to keeping kids in school. Please see the infographic PPHD uses for School Investigations found in the COVID-19 tab on our school website: www.kpslonghorns.org.
If anyone is experiencing any of the following: cough, fever, shortness of breath, sore throat, runny nose, body chills, headache, loss of taste or smell, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea, testing for COVID-19 is available at www.testnebraska.com and you can sign up with your email address for testing in the local area by contacting your medical provider.
Protect yourself from COVID-19 by maintaining 6-foot distance away from others, wash or sanitize your hands often, wear a mask, and clean/disinfect frequently touched surfaces. We all have a part in the important prevention of COVID-19.

The Kimball junior high wrestling tournament that was scheduled for Tuesday November 3 at Kimball has been moved to Monday November 16 starting at 10:00 am in the main gym. Due to our current covid protocol we will be allowing just one parent per wrestler.

The next Coffee with the Superintendent will be on Thursday, November 5 from 6:30 - 7:30 AM at the Main Street Market. Hope to see you there! #LonghornPride

Our Kindergarten students are reading! Nice job Noah!

Great 1st quarter!!

4th grade snowman cooperation

The Lady Longhorns fall to South Platte by a score of 25-13 and drop the match 3-0. The loss ends their season with a record of 4-23. Thank you to our seniors Ashlynn, Megan, and Sydney for all your contributions to the program! #LonghornPride