Counselor's Corner
The Kimball Junior/Senior High School Guidance Department is committed to serving the students, staff, and administration, as well as the members of the Kimball Community. This service includes counseling, guidance, career/vocational selection, post-secondary training choice, and scholarship/financial aid counseling.
Stephanie Kitchens, High School Counselor
(308) 235-4861
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Need help finding scholarships?
Local/Area Scholarships
(Click Scholarship Name for Application)
Scholarship | Bill Carroll Eagles Scholarship | Booth-Englert Families' Scholarship | Charlotte Gross Endowment Scholarship | Douglas & Jo Christopherson Scholarship | Eastern Star Local Scholarship | Edward A. Johnson Scholarship | First English Lutheran Church Scholarship | Haines Family Scholarship | Harry and Marjorie Pedrett Scholarship | James Eatmon Grand Lodge Masonic Scholarship | Jim Reeves Scholarship | Josh Norberg Memorial | Kimball/Banner County Farm Bureau Ag Scholarship | Kimball-Banner 4-H Scholarship | Kimball Booster Club Scholarship | Kimball County Home Extension Scholarship | Kimball Education Association Scholarship | Kimball FFA Alumni Scholarship | Kimball Fire Department Scholarship | Kimball Fire Dept. Auxiliary Scholarship | Kimball Interact Club Scholarship | Kimball Rotary Club Scholarship | Knigge Family Scholarship | Knights of Columbus Scholarship | KPS Foundation Scholarship | Lawrence Haug Memorial | Leonard & Lewise Forman Scholarship | Music Parents Scholarship | Myrtle E. (Skeet) Jones Scholarship | PEO Scholarship | Rich Toombs Endowment | Saint Joseph's Rosary Altar Society Scholarship | Shelley Cornils Memorial | Haven & Virginia Smith Scholarship | Teammates Scholarship | Todd Hendrickson Memorial | Western Trails Conference Scholarship | Z and S Construction FFA Scholarship |
Address | Counselors Office | Dan D. Booth Trust | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | First English Lutheran Church | Kimball Public Schools Foundation Board | Kimball High School Scholarship Committee | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Kimball-Banner 4-H Scholarship Committee | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Kimball High School FFA Advisor | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | St. Joesph's Rosary Altar Society Chair | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Kimball High School FFA Advisor |
Contact Information | Counselors Office | | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Phone: | Greg Robinson | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Sara Nicklas 6566 RD 12 S Potter, NE 69156 | Kimball-Banner 4-H Scholarship Committee | Counselors Office | Jean Barrett | Counselors Office | Kimball High School FFA Advisor | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Mrs. Schutz | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | St. Joesph's Rosary Altar Society Chair | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Counselors Office | Kimball High School FFA Advisor |
Application Deadline | April 1st | March 31st | April 1st | April 1st | April 1st | April 3rd | April 15th | April 1st | April 15th | April 1st | April 13 | April 20th | April 15th | April 15th | April 15th | April 1st | April 1st | March 1st | April 1st | April 1st | April 4th | April 15th | April 3rd | April 13th | April 1st | April 10th | April 3rd | April 19th | April 3rd | April 15th | April 1st | April 15th | April 10th | February 28th | March 1st | April 1st | April 15th | March 1st |