7th Grade Art
🎨 Color Wheels 🎨

Parents of Kimball Public Schools Students: The School Improvement Committee is looking for your input on our schools. Please take time to click on this link and take our survey. We appreciate your opinions and welcome your feedback. #longhornpride https://eprovesurveys.advanc-ed.org/surveys/#/action/143900/p2190

Pattern Block Challenges with 2D-shapes in Miss Malm’s Kindergarten!

Mrs. K.'s Kindergarten 2D-shape creations

3rd grade expanding their writing skills!

4th grade Halloween art

Chatting with our friends who can't join us today!

Due to increasing positive Covid cases, as well as increasing number of students in quarantine, the Kimball show choirs Velocity, Infinity, and New Dimension will not be participating in the Old West Choirfest this year.
Again, no Old West Choirfest this weekend.

8th Graders took a break from the 13 colonies to learn about the Electoral College. They got to participate in their own presidential race for the White House! Instead of campaigning, however, they rolled dice to earn their votes. We find out winners on Thursday!

4th reading students are learning to research so we made infographics today!

Check out the Physical Science 2-liter rocket demonstration! #LonghornPride

Mr. Mekelburg’s Physical Science students conducting rocket launches today as part of their class! #LonghornPride

Check out Mr. Mekelburg's Physical Science Class today! Students were challenged to design a 'car' to protect their eggs in the egg crash car activity. The team of Makhi Bryson and Jasmine Gawith were the first to test their design. Way to go you two!

Due to unforeseen circumstances, we will be canceling tomorrow’s Velocity (elementary show choir) rehearsal and will be rescheduled for later in the week. Please stand by for more info.

Happy Halloween from KPC! #Linghornpride

More 1st grade fun #longhornpride

Having fun at our Halloween party. Thank you H.E.L.P.S!!!

What a great day to be a 4th grader! #Longhornpride

Happy Halloween from Mrs. Heeg’s 3rd Grade! We ended the day with a fun challenge, getting pumpkins into the container in fastest time!

Miss Fonder's 3rd Grade had an awesome Halloween party today at school!