Longhorns drop second set 25 to 7

The Lady Longhorns drop the 1st set against South Platte by a score of 25-14

7th grade students started their ecosystem boxes today in Geography! What does this have to do with geography, you ask? An ecosystem is a geographic area where plants, animals, and other organisms, as well as weather and landscape, work together to form the “bubble of life!” These living and non-living parts all come together to form the different places that people can live. Can’t wait to show everyone the final products!!! #longhornpride

Reminder to students and parents: Tomorrow’s (Wednesday 10/28) classes will be following the “A” schedule.

Any Show Choir students or parents that are interested in buying Old West Choirfest t-shirts, they will be offered by preorder only. I have included a link to the t-shirt order. Deadline is Wednesday, October 27.
Email for questions

At the conclusion of the Kimball volleyball game tonight or fans must exit the gym so fans of the second game can enter. If they don't reach 50% capacity for the second game additional fans can reenter.

D12 sub district volleyball information

Parents of Velocity (elementary show choir) students.
Due to our missed rehearsal today we will be holding a makeup rehearsal on Thursday, October 29 at our regularly scheduled time.

POSTPONED: The Subdistrict Volleyball game scheduled for today has been postponed until tomorrow October 27. Kimball will play South Platte at 4:30 PM MT on Tuesday October 27 in Big Springs.
Good luck players and coaches! #LonghornPride

NO SCHOOL ALERT: Kimball Public Schools will have No School on Monday October 26. As of now, subdistrict volleyball will be played as scheduled. We will update tomorrow with any changes.

Chantel finished 77th out of 121. It was a little chilly and breezy. Proud of you girl. #LonghornPride

Scoping out the course! Details to come. #LonghornPride

1st Grade showing off their first quarter rewards!

D 12 Subdistrict Volleyball on Monday October 26 at Big Springs will be at 4:30. Kimball will play South Platte. #longhornpride

A great Saturday of community service by the Kimball FFA members. Cutting down and clearing trees at the walking trail, putting in a stump and tires at the dog park and pulling sunflowers at the Kimball County Visitor Center are the three projects members worked on today. Shout out to Joel Evertson for running the chainsaw and bringing a trailer! Also, to Z&S Construction for the use of equipment at the dog park!

Check out the News section on our App and Website for the latest edition of Longhorn Notes - a newsletter for our Kimball Jr/Sr High School Community! Here's the link as well: https://www.smore.com/5dg3k

KHS Band performs field marching demonstration. #BandTeam #LonghornPride

6th Grade rocked the first quarter! #LonghornPride

Kimball Public Schools is in the "Orange" stage for school next week (October 26 - October 30) . Please refer to the KPS Return Plan and KPS Activities Plan on the KPS website for the proper protocols.

Headed to STATE XC! Shout out to the police department, fire department, and ambulance crew for the escort out of town. Run fast Chantel and Matt! #LonghornPride