So proud of these Magazine Articles! #Longhornpride

FFA Parliamentary Procedure practice social distancing style.

Sitting down for some keyboarding after an intense class of PE. #LonghornPride

We are celebrating World Kindness day on Friday November 13th. We are inviting all students at Mary Lynch to dress inside out for the day!!

Kimball Public Schools currently has an opening for Assistant Cook at the Jr/Sr High School. For detailed job information please call Danessa Terrill at 308-235-4786 or applications are available on the school website.

My class has worked hard on these magazine articles for their assessments! They did great!! #Longhornpride

In Mr. Mekelburg's class, students are making DNA models using gummies and dowels.

Board Presentation by Mr. Ferguson and his students tonight!! Great work!

The purpose of this message is to inform you of changes to our Kimball Public Schools Return to School Plan that will become effective on November 10, 2020. The key alterations are as follows: We will require masks in scenarios where 6 foot social distancing cannot be maintained (classrooms, partner projects, small group work, etc) in the “Orange” and “Red” levels. This will replace the "strongly encourage" language. We will require masks on all school district transportation (bus routes, activity bus, etc.) in the “Orange” and “Red” levels. This will replace the "strongly encourage" language. If we go to the "Red" level, we still have the option of remote learning; however, we can continue with in-person learning as this is the present recommendation I have received. This replaces the remote learning requirement in the "Red" level. The goal of these changes is to keep our healthy students in the building for instruction as we feel this is the best way to educate our students. You may view the entire plan on our kpslonghorns.org website in the “COVID-19” tab as it is titled “Amended KPS Return Plan”.

5 FFA American Degrees earned by Kimball members in 2020

4th grade is working on research and writing skills.

Parents of Kimball Public Schools Students: Please take time to click on this link and take our survey. Choose Kimball Jr./Sr. High School even if your student is in elementary. We will be able to differentiate between the two schools. We appreciate your opinions and welcome your feedback. #longhornpride https://eprovesurveys.advanc-ed.org/surveys/#/action/143900/p2190

Unfortunately due to students being quarantined the Kimball Civic’s class is postponing our Veterans Day program. It has been rescheduled for Friday, December 11, at 10:00 am.

5 FFA American Degrees earned by Kimball members in 2020

5 FFA American Degrees earned by Kimball members in 2020

5 FFA American Degrees earned by Kimball members in 2020

5 FFA American Degrees earned by Kimball members in 2020

8th grade agriculture students can't study food science without a food triangle lab.

Foods I 🧀🧀🧀
Grilled Cheese Lab was a success!!

6th Grade working on collaboration! #LonghornPride