Yesterday brought all the hats and stripes for Cat in the Hat Day in Kindergarten! A guest reader, too! 😊📚
Last evening we had our season's end Team Dinner and there definitely was a lot to be thankful for!! We would like to thank Heather and Mike Norberg for their willingness to host our team and provide an amazing atmosphere!! We kicked things off by thanking our seniors that had been with us throughout the past 4 seasons and had all the players sign a basketball to each to show our gratitude for all their contributions. We then thanked our senior manager, Katie Kilgore, for her dedication to our program these past 4 seasons as well. Our 4 seniors that played all season were then given a memento to remember the season and our foreign exchange student that joined us late in the season was also recognized by giving him hopefully something that he can remember us by. Last but not least we were able to hand out our WTC regular season Championship medals to our 13 varsity players for the first time since 2013. We thank all our players for their hard work and an excellent season that we will all cherish for years to come. #LonghornPride"
5th and 6th grade parents, anything you can bring for the silent auction will be much appreciated!!!!
Reminder/Update: Attention all current 6th - 11th graders interested in joining the High School Cheer team for the 2024-2025 season please join us for our open gym and tryout practices. Tryouts will be held on Monday, March 4th. Reach out to Carrie Tabor at if you have any questions.
The fun is fast approaching!!!!
Kindergarten/1st grade ELITE friends having fun today! 😁
Today at ELITE, we had the Kimball FFA teach the kids the "F" words of agriculture:
Farm, Fuel, Forestry, Fabric, Food, Flowers.
17 members of the high school choir have been hard at work today at the Panhandle Festival Choir. They have experienced some very difficult music throughout the day and are about to start their final concert. Great job kiddos!
Thank you to Governor Pillen for stopping by our district today and talking with our students about the great things happening at KPS! #LonghornPride
Civics class attended the Ribbon Cutting ceremony at the new hospital.
Kimball High School Civics Class making some connections at the Hospital ribbon cutting ceremony!
Students and staff at Mary Lynch Elementary are voting for their favorite Dr. Suess book. Governor Pillan cast his vote, which book would you vote for?
Fourth graders wore their crazy socks to celebrate Read Across America Week today!
Here are our activities this week. We have wrapped up our winter sports and will be starting spring sports practice this week.
Kimbots our LEGO First robotics team got some good practice in at Scottblufff's mini play before they head to state in March! These kids have worked hard and have such a great attitude! KPS has a lot to be proud of!
Our Longhorn speech team was in action in Gering today. It was fun seeing them perform. I'm pretty new to the speech world but I think they did great!
We have some wrestling in the Arena!!! The JH Girls were able to scrimmage each other and it was followed by the Federation. A great night of wrestling!!
Mary Lynch is celebrating Read Across America and Dr. Seuss next week! We hope you will join in the fun! 📚
Attention all current 7th - 11th graders interested in joining the High School Cheer team for the 2024-2025 season please join us next week for an information meeting on Monday, February 26th at 6:00 pm in the High School Student Center. The rest of the week will host open gyms and tryout practices. Tryouts will be held on Monday, March 4th. Reach out to Carrie Tabor at if you have any questions.
ELITE Afterschool Program 2nd-6th grades had fun making
"cootie catchers" today. 😄