Radial Relief Sculptures 🎨 7th Grade Art 🎨 #longhornpride
over 4 years ago, Mary Schutz
Parents of Kimball Public Schools Students: Please take time to click on this link and take our survey. Choose Kimball Jr./Sr. High School even if your student is in elementary. We will be able to differentiate between the two schools. We appreciate your opinions and welcome your feedback. #longhornpride https://eprovesurveys.advanc-ed.org/surveys/#/action/143900/p2190
over 4 years ago, Heidi Chesley
💸 Generic vs. Name Brand 💸 Can you tell?
over 4 years ago, Mary Schutz
The Jr High basketball game is Tuesday at 3:30@ Home. There was some confusion on date but it is Tuesday 3:30@ home. If you are attending you must live in the same household as the player and masks are mandatory
over 4 years ago, Katie Culek
Third Grade math lesson trackers! They are getting organized!! #LonhornPride
over 4 years ago, Lani Heeg
Organization skills
Prepping for next week!
Work Plan
Amy Birkhofer is prepped and ready for her National Anthem performance at the C1 Football Championship between Pierce and Adams Central!
over 4 years ago, Jacob Hoffman
Amy Birkhofer, C1 Football Championship
Mrs. Chesley, Mrs. Knaub, and Mr. Walker taking advantage of the nice weather to do some outdoor learning with their students today! #LonghornPride
over 4 years ago, Trevor Anderson
Teaching math to students at home and in class!! Great job Miss Lashmett!!
over 4 years ago, Jamie Soper
Our minds are working hard but we’re having fun too, as the Chemistry class plays a review game for their upcoming exam! #LonghornPride
over 4 years ago, Luke Maas
Congratulations to KPS junior Amy Birkhofer on being selected to sing the national anthem prior to the Class C-1 Football Championship game in Pierce. The championship game has been moved to 4:30 PM this afternoon. Please see the information below on how you can watch her performance. #LonghornPride The C1 Championship Final, on Friday, Nov. 20, will be livestreamed at netNebraska.org and the NET Nebraska App. Class C1 (Adams Central vs. Pierce) will start at 4:30 p.m. MDT.
over 4 years ago, Trevor Anderson
KPS PARENT MEETING November 23, 2020 at 6 PM in the Jr/Sr high school auditorium. Hope to see you there!
over 4 years ago, Jamie Soper
It is a great day for some professional development at Kimball Public Schools. Thank you our awesome staff and Justin from Beyond Textbooks for all your efforts this afternoon! #LonghornPride
over 4 years ago, Trevor Anderson
Operation Disguise a Turkey: ✔️ Kindergarten is helping save the turkeys from being Thanksgiving dinner! 😊 #LonghornPride
over 4 years ago, Cassady Malm
We are having a High School Boys Basketball Parents’ Meeting this Friday, Nov. 20th at the High School Student Center. Purpose of the meeting will be to go over our 2020-2021 Boys Basketball Handbook/Manual and to discuss our philosophies, procedures, and expectations for this upcoming season. I have always thought that meeting the parents of our student athletes involved in our program opens up a line of communication that can be beneficial to all parties involved in making our season as successful as possible. If you are unable to attend please contact me, Coach Miller, so we can go over what was discussed and answer any questions you may have. As a new coach here at Kimball Public Schools I appreciate the opportunity afforded to me and look forward to working with all involved in inspiring our youth. UDU #LonghornPride Coach Miller: cmiller@kpslonghorns.org (307) 222-2291
over 4 years ago, Chad Miller
Boys' Basketball Parent Meeting
November 18th, 2020 (today) - Students will be dismissed from Mary Lynch at 11:50am and at 12:00pm from the Jr/Sr high school. Have a wonderful day!
over 4 years ago, Jamie Soper
No FFA meeting tonight.
over 4 years ago, Sally Wheeler
Taking writing outdoors! #LonghornPride
over 4 years ago, Kaitlin Knaub
Taking writing outside! #LonghornPride
Taking writing outdoors! #LonghornPride
REMINDER TO ALL MARY LYNCH PARENTS Please only drop off and pick up your student(s) on 6th Street in front of Mary Lynch. Do not drop off your students on Mary Lynch road. We want to make this time safe for all of our students! Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns! You can reach me at 308-235-4696 or jsoper@kpslonghorns.org.
over 4 years ago, Jamie Soper
Sometimes the music overtakes you! #longhornpride
over 4 years ago, Jamie Murdoch
Showing off our writing skills on a Performance Based Assessment in 4th grade! #longhornpride
over 4 years ago, Jamie Murdoch